Friday, May 11, 2007

But The Hushpuppies Were Fantastic

Subversive Cross Stitch has a free chart of a MOM tattoo that Julie insists you can whip up by Sunday.

Check out this beautiful bag. And, I thought I was so talented after sewing a piece of fabric to the back of a cross stitch, stuffing it and yelling to Maggie the dog "Look! I made a little pillow!"

Edited to add: You have to see these gorgeous pillows. Until very recently, all my hankies were kept in a drawer. I'd love to show how I hung a few up but there are still issues with my digital camera and I really do not want to talk about it except to say that Mr. Hewlett and Mr. Packard are now on my shit list.

I had more to post but I somehow closed down AOL in the middle of it and I am too tired to re-type it but I had mentioned this restaurant. And, after reading this, I really regret not getting a marshmallow.

1 comment:

  1. You are so clever and your items are really cute! I am a dog lover too, I have 3 rescue greyhounds, I even named ny business after one of them. Happy Christmas from the Yorkshire Dales,UK.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)