Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Felt Heart

Oh, look! Another blurry picture!

I made this heart a little while ago from a pattern at AllPeopleQuilt. They had attached their flowers with only French knots in the middle but I put a little stitch on each petal. I did the same with the leaves, instead of doing a backstitch down the middle (I tried that and didn't like how my stitches looked) so I did it my way). I left off the tendrils too. It was a real pain to cut out those felt flowers and mine look like crap, plus I think I ended up with only one decent French knot, but overall, I like my felt heart.

We might need to out this in The Hell Has Frozen Over Category, since I actually made something from a pattern I had previously linked to. (Oh my God, alert the media!)

9/17/08 update: the pattern is now here.

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