Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dang, I wish I had some Velveeta

I think we all read the same blogs but in case we don't, I wanted to mention that the Pioneer Woman now has a cooking blog that you really need to go look at. You might want to bring a napkin with you because you will most likely be drooling after seeing the pictures.

Why I wish I had some Velveeta

If you go to the Cross Stitch For Life blog, you'll a list of links on the right side to some free charts, including the Winter House (I have to do that one).

Speaking of houses, Maryse has put up the free chart of her Summer Cottage. I did the Winter one but hadn't gotten to Spring yet. That's my version of the Winter Cottage down below. I turned it into a small pillow. And that's another one of my pigs.

1 comment:

  1. That Pioneer Woman! I went to her gallery show, she knows how to work that Photoshop! And just think she can cook too!

    Yum! Velveeta!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)