Saturday, July 28, 2007

Another dog cross stitch I did

Originally uploaded by PipStitch

I got the chart for this because the dog reminded me of one I had a couple of years ago. The cross stitching is finished but I haven't gone any further yet.

The pattern is called Appreciation because there's some text about your dog being a good listener (or appreciating you) in the design but I left the words off.

The dog I was reminded of by this chart was Sophie. I pulled her from a local shelter for a rescue group and ended up fostering her. She stayed for about 3 1/2 years. :)


  1. This is so cute I could DIE. My daughter would love it too. You do really nice work!

  2. Thank you! (she said two weeks later)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)