Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Guerilla Bagging

"From Morsbags.com: Let’s do something positive to reduce the hideous number of plastic bags being used - 1 million are consumed per minute globally - of which hundreds of thousands end up in the oceans."

I found that on the info about a swap that isn't your usual swap. You basically make a bag or two or seventeen and then give them out to strangers at the store. And, then you tell your swap partner about it.

I would love to do this. A few years ago I talked my mom into getting a sewing machine so we could "make things." She made a few things but I still haven't used it. I think it's time to figure out how to ... what do you do with a bobbin? thread it? Yeah, it's time to learn how to do that and get to making some bags.

There are directions for making a bag on Morsbags.

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