Saturday, July 28, 2007

I can't skip posting

I was going to count the last post as the 8:00 one too but I can't do that. So, here's a free pattern for Poodle Slippers to crochet. (Am I a freak for wanting these?)

Ok, 8:00 is done!


  1. Now you must learn to crochet Patty cause its a pretty easy pattern and then you could make them yourself. They're really cute arent they? LOL

    Odean in PA

  2. You could make them for me. Hah!

    Really, though, I would like to learn how.

  3. Odean can make them for everyone! Right, Odean? Hello? Are you there? Hello?

  4. Odean, how cute we would all look with poodley slippers.

  5. I believe that's Le'Poodley slippers!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)