Saturday, July 28, 2007


I'm a little early for my 5:30 entry but I want to go eat some dinner. I'm cheating a little too.

That's Ling-Ling up there. I should have added her picture to the last post, but I'm hungry, so you get to enjoy Ling-Ling taking a ride and being witchy, and I get to eat ham.

I love that little red car!


  1. I LOVE THAT BED -- my name is Lady Debra and I'm a brussels griffon but my Mommy tells me that I already have almost a dozen beds that I share with my lhasa brother Sunny and where do we sleep a lot of the time? On the floor - go figure except at night when we sleep in the big bed with Mommy Odean and the cats.

    Lady Debra Doodle in PA

  2. I want that car bed for myself!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)