Friday, July 13, 2007

Something I Might Do

Floresita has been posting lots of new embroidery transfers. Go see the cute clothespin.

I have a potential plan for the Blogathon: I'm considering cross stitching something during it. I have the chart for Bent Creek's Puppy Dog Row and decided to stitch one of the dogs and make an Xmas ornament. It only took me a few hours one night and a few more the next night to finish the doggy, (I still want to add a border though). I did a second one yesterday, and that wouldn't have taken as long as it did if I hadn't screwed up twice and had to restitch parts of it. So I'm sure could get one done during the Blogathon. And, afterwards, I could give it to one of my sponsors.

I'm still thinking about doing this, but if I do it, I might even make a few of them ahead of time and also give them to my sponsors.

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