Saturday, November 10, 2007

Felt Ornaments

Every time I get online these days, I see something else I want to make. Check out these adorable mitten ornaments. There's a Flickr pool for finished mittens too.

The mittens were linked on Sew, Mama Sew as part of Handmade Holidays, which I keep forgetting to check.

Also, linked were instructions on making embroidered felt ornaments from Sunshine's Creations. And, for more inspiration, there's a Flickr group for them too.

I also recently found (and joined) a Flickr pool for biscornu.

1 comment:

  1. Cute felt ornaments like these you have linked are definitely on my list of Wanna Do Someday!

    I'm enjoying your blog! It shows a very generous spirit in you that you share so many links and so many other blogs and sources!

    Especially am I flattered that you have my blog in your list of blogs that you visit/read on a regular basis. Thank you!

    I've put you in my Bloglines subscriptions so that I can read you often!

    Keep up the very interesting blogging!

    Thanks again,
    Penny Sanford Fikes


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)