Maryse has posted the Decembre chart for her year long Stitch-A-Long. I have yet to do any of her little houses SAL but I hope to get to them some day. Last year, she shared a chart for this winter cottage and I did do that one.
Small Cross-Stitch Patterns has links to a bunch of my favorite kind of charts: smaller ones. Some of them I've seen before (and are on my to-do list) but others were new to me.
There are x-stitch charts for a few Christmas "primitive"ornaments on How Did I Do It? I like the country look of these.
TipNut has been posting some nice vintage embroidery patterns of Days of the week gingham fruits. So far, there are Monday pears, Tuesday cherries, Wednesday apples and Thursday strawberries I'm not sure if I linked to the cute kitten embroidery patterns she shared last time. Beware: there are tons of great stuff at TipNut so you may be there for awhile.
An oldie but goodie:
Which John Cusack Are You?
I'm Rob Gordon, too, but you probably already knew that.