Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Emily has posted a list of Stitch-A-Longs at The Floss Box. She linked to a SAL at The Bride's Tree where every month there will be a different theme (like January's theme is houses). You choose the chart to use and then make an ornament for a bride. I've signed up for this SAL. I don't have any new brides in my life right now -- just a bunch of old ones, har har -- so maybe my ornaments will just go to friends who have attended at least one wedding in their lifetime.

I just went to the blog for the Christmas Ornament Stitch-A-Long (Emily linked to that one also but it's been in my side bar for awhile) and got all excited because they're doing themes now and the January theme is animals (and joy and poinsettias). There are links to free charts that you could use so I started clicking them. They're from The Chart Shop and one is the Winter Wonderland Hedgehog that I did before Xmas. And, two of them are dog ones that I happened to print out last night, Snow Days and Puppy's First Christmas. I even started stitching one called Comedy Dog because I couldn't sleep. I had planned to link to all of these cute free charts here today but I honestly forgot all about it. I'm glad they were linked on the SAL blog. And, I'm glad Emily blogged about the SALs in the first place.

My "Comedy Dog" so far:

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