Thursday, March 20, 2008

Be Glad And More

There's a set of five free cross stitch charts at Swappons for something called Be Glad, which stands for Broder Ensembre un Gratuit Long A Découvrir. According the English translation of the blog (click the British flag to get it), it means "Stitching along a long free to be discovered. Hmm, sounds like a mystery sampler to me. And, looks like we missed it but you can still use the charts. Also on the same blog is a tutorial for making a cube of birth, (English translation), and one for making a cover for your tape measure, (in English). Oh, and take a look at these old embroidery booklets -- lots of alphabet charts there.

Michelle Verbeeck at Studio 259 is having a giveaway for a book called Uncommon Quilter by Jeanne Williamson. Details on entering are on the post. You have until March 28th. I think I found the Studio 259 blog when someone linked to this cute ladybug needlecase. That led me to the heart needlecase, which is still on my to-do list.

Earlier tonight, I made a little pillow out of a cross stitch finish for the Christmas Ornament SAL. After stuffing it, I sewed the opening closed and it looked like crap. So I did it a second time and it was still puckered and uneven. If this ornament was going to be for someone else, I would have attempted it a third time, and, if still didn't turn out halfway decent, I would have put down the garbage disposal. So, imagine how delighted I was to come across Emily's tutorial on "building a better pillow" a little while ago. If only I had read her blog a few hours ago! I am definitely going to use her instructions the next time I make a mini pillow. Emily rules!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patty
    I love Swappons but didn't know that I could read it in English.Thanks for that. Also finishing information sounds like something I could use myself.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)