Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It Should Just Die

Embroidery is not my friend. Embroidery is evil and I want it to die.

I am not going to type out all the gory the details here but let me just say getting a pattern on to dark fabric is a bitch, the wax paper method sucks, and an iron-scrorched pillowcase makes your bedroom smell like burnt popcorn.

I was thisclose to giving away all my embroidery transfers when I heard Dave Grohl singing in my ear: "I swear I'll never give in. I refuse."

I told Dave to go fuck himself.

Then I remembered a thing called dressmaker's carbon and wandered over to the Sublime Stitching website to see if they carried it. And, I discovered Jenny now has Lisa Petrucci patterns.

The first time I ever went to Reprodepot Fabrics, I ordered some of Lisa Petrucci's Kick Ass Kuties stationery. (You can now get it directly from Lisa's website.) I really liked her artwork -- something about cute little people with big heads always gets me -- so I tracked down her website and read how she collected Liddle Kiddle dolls. And, Dawn dolls too. And, that she counts Josie and the Pussycats and Kimba the White Lion as early influences.

That reminds me of something that no one but me will really care about: according to IMDB, Will Ferrell was born in 1967 in Irvine, California. Well, unless his mom delivered him at home, that's impossible. I moved to Irvine in 1971 and there was no hospital there at the time. We didn't even have a McDonald's or a movie theatre either. We did, however, have Channel 13 where we watched Kimba the White Lion and Speed Racer. But I digress.

So, the carbon transfer paper (scroll down) and Lisa Petrucci patterns are now winging their way to my house and I am not giving up on embroidery just yet.

Website of the day: Liddle Kiddle paper dolls!!!!!

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