Monday, April 7, 2008

Motto Samplers

If you love motto samplers, you have to see the vintage ones they have for sale at Wiswall House Antiques (link via Country Home magazine). They were made in the late 1920's and 30's, stitched on linen, and apparently, a hot collectible these days.

One of the samplers looked familiar so I checked Flickr for a photo of one I did about 20 years ago and found it's the same design as one the antique store is selling. Mine was a stamped cross stitch kit complete with floss and needle. I wish I knew where I got the chart. I'd love to see if they produced any more reproductions of these kinds of samplers.

Home Sweet Home
Originally uploaded by PipStitch

This kitchen sampler is one my mom did back in the 1950's. (Can you tell I'm not into ironing things before I snap a picture?)

Kitchen Sampler
Originally uploaded by PipStitch

A couple of years ago, I saw the same sampler on sale on a website and bought it. It had been started already and some day I hope to get around to finshing it.

Another Kitchen Sampler
Originally uploaded by PipStitch

1 comment:

  1. I love these little samplers. I have one of my great-grandma's, which I still cannot believe I don't have framed, and one I got at a sale that I need to finish, and one that I'm still kicking myself for not buying when I saw it at a yard sale last year. Glad to see somebody else appreciates them!


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