Sunday, August 10, 2008


Look! A website dedicated to crafting with tampons! Hey, maybe we could do a Tampon-A-Long and everybody could make something from the website and post pictures to Flickr. Come on, who wants to join?!

I once attempted to make some tampon angels. I wrote about it on my old blog and then re-posted it on this one last year, but here it is again, because I know you want to read the entire sad story.

Tampon Angel Making and Me

A few years ago, I was at a website dedicated to crafty stuff and found this one project where you took tampons (unused, of course) and turned them in to angels for on your Christmas tree. I got excited by the simple directions and the unusual choice of materials, and decided to make a few for my friends. To make the angels, you first dipped the tampon in some water so it would expand, giving the angel a "dress," and then wound the sting around the top to create a head. After letting it dry completely, you could add a halo, some eyes and a mouth for a face, and voila, you had your Christmas ornament.

So I wet several tampons and hung them by their strings from the faucet in the bathroom sink to dry overnight. The next day, they were all dry and had turned out nicely. I had a "if only Martha Stewart could see me now" moment. I left them hanging there and I guess I went to work or to Starbucks or something. When I went back to the bathroom later in the day, they were gone. It didn't take me long to realize the cleaning lady must have thrown them away. I didn't care that she got rid of them since I had a whole box of "supplies" left but I wondered just what she had come up with when she was trying to figure out why I had dried tampons hanging from the faucet in my bathroom sink. Did she think I couldn't afford to buy anymore or that I was REALLY into recycling? I'm sure she decided I was a major freak.

After that, I didn't make any further attempts at tampon angel making. The excitement I had previously felt about the whole thing just wasn't there anymore.

Once upon a time, there were instructions on making slippers from Kotex but the link no longer works.

Link to Tampon Crafts via Stitch and Destroy.


  1. I had seen that before. Yech! lol. It was probably about 2 years ago. I saw on there the earrings. Now WHO , tell me, WHO would wear them!? lol.

  2. I bet she thought, "Damn, white people are fucking crazy."

  3. Your tale made me giggle and those projects are hilarious! Who wouldn't want a tampon toupee?! hmmmm....

  4. I forgot about that site. So hilarious. Especially the gun and the tampon toupee.

    I'm sure your cleaning lady thought you were insane. LOL.

  5. I've never seen this before! Some of these crafts are actually cute, like the ghost and the bunny!!

  6. Well, I think I have seen it all now....funny

  7. Ahahaha!! That is hilarious!! Both your story, and the fact that that website exists!! lol

  8. That's too funny! Its nice to know there's someone out there doing something creative with them. Ha!


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