Friday, August 8, 2008

My Sloppy Scottie Dog

I cannot believe I am going to share these pictures. This is really sad.

First, look at my stitching. I did this when I was eight years old and had broken my right hand so I had to stitch with my left hand and we were having a power failure so I had to wear a miner's hat to see what I was doing except the battery was burned out, oh and I was blind too over the past few days.

Horrid, isn't it?

Scary close up of my stitching
Originally uploaded by PipStitch

Here's the rest of it.

Scottie dog
Originally uploaded by PipStitch

I see it as a learning experience. Like, maybe I should have only used one strand of floss. I went with three because that's what I used for chicken scratch. I had the free chart in my stash. It came from Classic Stitches but it looks like you have to join in order to get access to it.

And, there you have my first attempt at cross stitching on gingham. I hope it wasn't too painful for you.

I have some chicken scratch to share too but I'll save that for another time. I wouldn't want to torture you anymore.


  1. I think it's very cute! Did you sketch out the pattern on the gingham first, or do it freehand? I was checking out your flickr site and you have so many cute items you've made!

  2. wait... so did you make it when you were eight or today and you were just teasing? I think its cute! and I would LOVE to see your chicken scratch. I am itchin' to make an apron with some chicken scratch details!! Do you know of any patterns for chicken scratch?

  3. You should be proud of him. He's gorgeous

  4. if you ask me it looks really good and TOTALLY cute.
    I love the handmade feel it has, in the same way I love the Gee's Bend quilts.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)