Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Header

So, I've been embroidering a cute design to use as a header for on top of my blog and I'm not happy with the crayons I used to color it or my stitching. I'm still deciding if I want to completely start over or finish it and see how it turns out. In the meantime, I thought I'd use an existing photo and see what I could come up with. You guys have been saying some nice things about my Scottie dog (thank you!!) so I cropped one of the pictures of that pillowcase and added some text with Picnik, which I think looks like I just wrote it with a Sharpie, and now my blog has a new banner. It's not at all fancy but it's something I stitched, and I don't know, it makes me happy to see that. And, I love how the gingham hasn't been ironed. That is so me.

Edited to add: I've changed the header since I wrote this but here's the Scottie dog one.


  1. Awww, so cute!! I love scotties! (In pictures and stitchery, though in real life I have a thing about terriers, I'm not too fond of them.)

  2. Very cute! Have you thought about going pink and white, and maybe a little red, on the rest of the blog, to coordinate with the new header?

  3. Patty, I like your new header because not only is it very cute, it is also very personal. I like that your header represents you. Have a nice day! Twyla

  4. Your scottie makes a gorgeous banner! Love the black and gingham together xo

  5. Its nice and unique!

  6. Hi! I noticed it right away. I love it, well to be honest I love, love, love pink, and so wish I could cross stitch again but lost some sight in one eye so I can't anymore, I miss it, so I will just have to stop by and simply enjoy yours! Good work! Jane


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)