Friday, October 31, 2008

Finished For Friday Halloween Edition

I took a bunch of pictures yesterday so I could join in on Finished for Friday over at Lit and Laundry, plus I wanted to post some Halloween stuff, but the majority of the pictures did not turn out well. I had knocked my camera off my night table earlier in the day and was worried something was jarred loose inside and that was why my photos weren't in focus. Then I saw the pictures of the candy corn cards that I took last week and realized I'm just a craptastic photographer.

Here are my candy corn cards. I had planned to make more of these with different designs but then I ran out of time. Thanks, Anne, for the pattern!

Candy corn cards Candy corn card

I fell in love with Jenny's Dangly Spider this week and decided I had to make one. Since I didn't have any nice Halloween-y fabric, I stitched mine on black felt. It wasn't until I was completely finished that I noticed I had only done five "spokes" in the web, and not the seven you were supposed to stitch. Considering I read Jenny's instructions about 17 times before I started this project, it's weird I would miss doing two of them.

Spider web

Here's a somewhat blurry photo of my spider. Check out his legs. I used the black yarn that Jenny had tied around my prize package (see previous post). Al Gore would be so proud.

Felt spider

Remember, you can click on any picture to see it larger and in all of its unfocused glory.

So, since last Friday, I started and finished the candy corn cards, and the Dangly Spider Picture. I also Mod Podged some orange tissue paper on to a jar and made a pumpkin whose face I copied from was inspired by a Mary Engelbreit illustration, but every picture I've taken of it has turned out to be a huge blur (how creepy!) so I am convinced it's possessed. (Damien!) Or maybe someone or something does not want it shown here. (The copyright infringement fairy, maybe?)

Be sure to visit Lit and Laundry to see who else is sharing their Friday finishes.

I hope you all have a very Happy Halloween!!


  1. Love the candy corn cards, look so effective

  2. I love love love the candy corn! So cute! They look like they're dancing.

    I wouldn't have noticed the 5 spokes if you hadn't pointed it out. That is such a great pattern, isn't it? I saved it for next year.

    Thanks for joining in!

  3. Your pictures are fine. I'm not a photographer either, so I think these are terrific. Have fun today.

  4. 1. The candy corn cards are great!

    2. I love the dangly spider.

    3. I often have the same issues with blurry photos. Demonic possession hadn't yet occurred to me. I always just blamed George Bush and his conspiracy to take over the world via global warming.

  5. LOVE the spider web hoop! I bookmarked that tutorial to make one but haven't gotten to it yet. And I love that cross stitch in your header, it's awesome!

  6. Oooooh! your spider web is fantastic! The black and white looks so good (and I may like 5 legs better than my 7 hmmm... :) I hope you had fun making him and well done for being able to follow my loopy instructions :)

    Happy Spooky cute Halloween

  7. I'm proud too, so that makes me and Al Gore. Those candy corn cards are darn cute.

  8. I, too, blame my camera for all my crummy pix. It's supposed to be point-and-click, but it never is.

    Your candy corns are delightful!! Love them! Well done.

    Five spokes on the spider web look completely normal to me. And I am always examining spider webs up close, so I should know :)

  9. i'm a little sad halloween is over because i want to do those little cards and the spider stitch badly....maybe i will jump start for next year? now do some cute christmas stuff and put it up so i can copy it soon. :) thanks for the comment over at my blog. amiee

  10. Those candy corn cards are so dang cute! LOVE 'em.

  11. your candy corn cards are so sweet

  12. Those turned out so cute! I would have never thought to make cards.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)