Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lumpy And Oddly Shaped

Has anyone made one of the Little House Ornaments from Pimp Stitch? I attempted to make one earlier tonight and everything was fine until I stuffed it. It was lumpy and oddly-shaped and didn't look like a little house anymore. I know it was due to my uneven hand sewing. I was so disappointed. But, I am going to try it again and maybe use all felt this time since I do better with sewing that.

Penny at Mind Wanderings tagged me to share six random things about myself. I've done this before but here are six new ones:

1. My hand sewing is really awful.

2. I would rather hang out with a bunch of 2 yr olds in a sandbox than a group of adults at a cocktail party.

3. I never get invited to cocktail parties.

4. I have the email addresses of four people who have passed away in my address book. I can't delete them for some reason.

5. I am a bundle o' fun. (I'm not going to let that one die.)

6. Rachael Ray gets on my nerves. Explanation below.

Last week, I was going through my notebook of saved recipes from websites, looking for something different to make for dinner, when I came across one of Rachael Ray's called Go Oregonian! Oregon Style Pork Chops with Pinot Noir and Cranberries, Oregon Hash with Wild Mushrooms, Greens, Beets, Hazelnuts and Blue Cheese, Charred Whole Bread with Butter and Chives.

Still there? I bet I could have that meal on the table by the time you finish reading the title.

Why does she feel the need to list just about every ingredient as part of the name of her recipe? Does she not have an editor? Am I the only one who finds this annoying?

A couple of years ago, I made Go Oregonian! Oregon Style Pork Chops with Pinot Noir and Cranberries, Oregon Hash with Wild Mushrooms, Greens, Beets, Hazelnuts and Blue Cheese, Charred Whole Bread with Butter and Chives for my mom and myself, and we both enjoyed it. Except I left out the hazelnuts and we skipped the charred bread. So, technically we had Go Oregonian! Oregon Style Pork Chops with Pinot Noir and Cranberries, Oregon Hash with Wild Mushrooms, Greens, Beets, and Blue Cheese. You can find the recipe here. If you decide to print it out, make sure you have lots of paper in your printer. The title alone will take up three pages.

I ended up making another Rachael recipe that night for dinner: Chicken Sausage, Pepper and Onion Pasta Fake-Bake. That was pretty good too. I call my version Italian Sausage made with Pork, Pepper and Onion Pasta diced because I didn't have crushed tomatoes what do I do with 3/4 cup leftover ricotta cheese Fake-Bake though.


  1. ROFLOL You are so funny! The titles might be annoying but they do sound yummy!

  2. One thing about Rachel, you don't have to read the whole recipe to figure out if it's one you'll like. I kinda like that.

    As for your stitching, please... you are so heads and shoulders above me!

  3. Oh my goodness! You need to warn us not to be drinking our coffee when we read your posts! Rachel gets on my nerves as well.
    I'm also with you on the 2 y.o. thing.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words.

  4. First and foremost I love your blog. Thank you for sharing so many links.
    Second, I have a new blog and have posted a free pattern for embroidered holiday tags that I would like to share.


  5. Too funny!! Although, I call her "I'm not wearing a hearing aid because I don't need one so please stop shouting at me Rachael Ray". Good food. Too many words. Too many LOUD words.

  6. I can't stand Rachael Ray. Usually I try to be a better person than this, but I just can't.

  7. Saw the title of your post in my blogroll and clicked over as fast as I could because I thought you were blogging about me! LOL
    I'm cracking myself up just writing this. I probably should go to bed, I must be a little punchy!

  8. I second #5. You are a hoot and I love coming here to see what you're going to say next. :) xxoo

  9. I have deceased people in my email address book too and can't delete them.

  10. I like Rachel Ray's enthusiasm for life. It's a good counterpoint to my general cynicism. So I'll give her a pass on the food names.

    My 3-d stuffed things often take on weird shapes. I think stuffing is the hardest part.

    and thanks for commenting on my blog.

  11. Oh Patty! You made me laugh out loud! I chuckled all the way through this post. No. 5 is right, you are a bundle of fun and if I ever had a cocktail party, you'd be the first on my list to invite. Thanks for making my day! Twyla

  12. I only have 2 words to say about Rachael.

    Stoup and Spoonula.

    That should about cover it. Yum-mo!

  13. You are so funny! The little houses are on my (very very very long) list of things to do. A friend told me to use Hobbs cotton fill instead of polyfil - but I don't know where to find the Hobbs stuff. Apparently it makes a difference.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)