Monday, November 10, 2008

National Tie One On Day

I've added a button in the right sidebar for National Tie One On Day which is the day before Thanksgiving. This campaign was started by EllynAnne Geisel, author of The Apron Book. From her Apron Memories blog:

Participation in National Tie One On Day is simple - on the day before Thanksgiving, pause in the preparation of your own bounty, wrap a loaf of bread or other baked good in an apron, tuck a prayer or note of encouragement in the pocket, and tie one apron, of course! and deliver the wrapped bundle to someone in need of spiritual or physical sustenance.

EllynAnne will also be holding giveaways for aprons and books. You can read more about National Tie One On Day here.


  1. Oh how awesome! Thanks for letting us know about Tie One on Day! I'll have to whip my Mom up a pretty little apron that she can wear .. it will come in handy for Thanksgiving, too.. so much time spent in the kitchen! Thanks for being such a great creative inspiration!

  2. Great idea! I hope that I find time to do this. Anything to do with an apron should be etched in my memory. That an cowbells.

  3. That's so nice! Thanksgiving here in Canada is in October, so maybe I can do Tie One On Day then. :)

  4. What an inspirational idea. Thanks for sharing that. xxoo

  5. You're featured on the Harbor Hon Magazine this month. Come and see. :) xxoo

  6. The scotty dog returns! Love the hat too :) You always crack me up.

  7. You have been tagged and I love the scotty dog. They are such wonderful dogs. Please take a gander at my blog for details.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)