Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Patty Blogs! Alert The Media!

Remember when I used to make stuff? Me neither. But I do have some links for you.

There's a great tutorial on turning an embroidery project into an ornament on Bookwormbethie - between the pages [link via Needlework News].

They're doing a Christmas stocking stitch-a-long at Meet Me At Mikes [via Pimp Stitch]. Pip says it's especially good for embroidery beginners because she's going to explain how to do everything. Go see the cute patterns. I must stitch that dog.

And, just because Mary has issues with Goodnight, Moon doesn't mean we can't appreciate her Easy Handmade Christmas Gift projects. On her blog, she shows you how to alter a candle (glitter alert!) and how to make an acrylic bookmark.


  1. Wow, I sure learned a good bit more about you, Patty!

  2. If you have no projects and you're posting silliness, you must be tired of FB. I think I don't see the point other than finding people I used to know.

  3. What the heck? Alert the presses? Sister, as bloggers, we *are* the presses!

    Thank you for the links. :) I'll try not to disappoint. :)

    (BTW, using your 4 year old to break in - that's classy right there. lol.)

  4. I'd never seen Meet Me at Mike's before - thanks for the link! You always have the best links.

  5. Thanks for the shout out! I've added you to my blogroll so I can keep up with your crafty goodness!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)