Friday, January 16, 2009

Finished For Friday -- An Answer For Mary

MaryBT commented: "Woman! It's been 10 days since you promised to make something! What gives?"

How creepy. It totally sounds like she is keeping track of my lack of craft projects by marking off the days on her calendar....hey! That reminds me! I did make a calendar the other day. Over at Knick Knacks & Ric Rac are calendar pages you can download and print out, and then add your own artwork at the top. I would love to have some of Hannah's artwork but since I can't, I just used a photo of my dog planters because it makes me happy. Yes, dog planters work better than Zoloft. (By the way, so do Weezer videos.)

Thanks to Mary's comments, not only was I creeped out, but I was inspired to finish an embroidery that I had started last September. It was going to be a header for my blog but it was put aside because I found something else fun to stitch. But it's done now and it's up there and it's my Finish for Friday.

EDITED TO ADD: Well, I hate my header. The picture is too big and I hate the border and you can't see the wonky stitching very well and why does the orange floss look like it's glowing? I wanted to post something for Finished for Friday so I am leaving it for now. I am off to eat a burrito and then I will play around with the photo until I get it right. I'll also link to the coloring page that I used for a pattern. (Once I find it again!) Sorry for the half-assed post today.

Check out Lit and Laundry for links to other Friday Finishers.

Lit and Laundry


  1. I have a color-coded calendar on which I keep track of the blog-promises I am made. Your designated color is chartreuse. When I notice that I haven't seen any chartreuse for awhile, I bop on over hear and harangue you until you make something.

    It works for me.

    I think your header is really cute. I didn't even notice the orange until you pointed it out. I still think it's cute though. Have I ever told you that my daughter's room is decorated in embroidered stuff like that? True story. I love love love it.

    BTW, if you're going to make me out to be a stalker, you could at least post the link to my blog.

  2. Call me crazy, but I like your header.

  3. Well, I for one love your header....when I saw it, that is exactly what I said....I LOVE THAT how cute!!

    I think you should leave it, it is really adorable.

  4. Well, I love what you stitched for your header - it is adorable and so unique :) If you upload the photo to Photobucket, you can edit the photo to downsize it somewhat - plus, I like the orange glow - very pretty! :)

  5. I love your header, too! Yes, the orange looks like its glowing, but I like that. It looks pretty cool. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture on your sidebar that says, "I need more cowbell". Too funny!

  6. You better doublecheck those reading specs. That header rocks. In fact, I loved it so much I didn't care what you were posting about, I was going to comment only on it. Is that a pattern you found somewhere? Something you made up? It's really, really great.

  7. Oh, wait. You used a coloring page for the pattern. I went back and re-read. My reading-for-comprehension grades weren't what they could have been.

  8. You said you used a coloring page? Like something from a coloring book? I love your header. It looks great and kind of springy which is great for frigid New England right now.

    The Other Mary :-)

  9. I am echoing all sentiments about your header being too cute. We vote that you keep it (for a while anyway... I do miss that Scotty!) A stalker can really give you that extra kick in the pants, eh?? :)

  10. OH yeah I would want her calendar too!

  11. I totally need that for *my* header! "Lit and LUANDRY." Please pick out all the stitching with your blog name and re-embroider it with mine. thx.



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)