Saturday, January 24, 2009

Floss Exchange, Anyone?

I've started a cross stitch of President Obama and would love to finish it but there are three colors of floss that I don't have. Since I'm a shut-in with no money and no one to drive me to Michael's, I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a little embroidery floss exchange. I have a limited number of extra skeins of floss that I could swap with someone who sends me the color(s) I don't have. (My other floss is already wound on bobbins or else I would be offering that as well.)

The colors I need are 336, 744, 807.

I can swap:
57 (varigated red)
151 (very light dusty rose)
310 (black)
321 (red)
602 (medium cranberry)
644 (medium beige gray)
746 (off white)
3806 (light cyclamen pink)

If you're interested in swapping floss, email me at nahnahnah at aol dot com and let me know which colors you can send me and which ones you would like in return. Thank you!!


  1. Sorry, Patty, but I have none. I haven't embroidered since I was a little girl.

    BTW: I got my shoes back. There's STILL a pressure point, so I'll have to go back another time!

  2. Screw the exchange, silly! I'll send you those threads for nothing. My email is in my blog profile. Email your address and I'll send them as soon as possible.

  3. I'm sorry but I cannot support such an endeavor. :|

    Just kidding. Even though I don't care for him, I'll look in my stash for you.

  4. Patty, email me at
    smelkoski at yahoo dot com

  5. Looks like you have it taken care of? Let me know. I need to run out and get some colors for myself in the next few days.

    Because when you need floss, you need floss NOW!

    Can't wait to see the finished piece. Where did you get the pattern?

  6. Patty, let me know if you still need some. I'll help you out! Twyla


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)