Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year To Me

I think the only resolution I made last year was to leave more comments on what I call "lonely blogs." You know the ones where no one has commented on a post even though the blogger is sharing a photo of something incredible that she made. I always feel bad when I see that. So, again, I pledge to leave more comments on all the blogs I read and not just the lonely ones.

This year, I've decided no resolutions until I found out if I would be getting my drivers license back. I had an interview on Tuesday at the DMV Safety Office. It was all very official. The safety officer asked me if I wanted a lawyer present (uh, do I need one?), I had to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth (I kept waiting for Rusty the bailiff to make an appearance. Or Jack McCoy), she recorded the whole thing (which made me nervous enough to blank out on the name of my street when I had to give my mailing address) and she entered my accident report and doctor's statement into evidence. She was very nice but very business-like and I know she didn't find me very amusing. She said that after she reviewed her "findings," she would notify me by mail of her decision.

Well, today I got her notice to SET ASIDE my suspension. I still can't drive just yet -- my license actually expired on my birthday in September but I didn't know that until I used it for ID to cash a check at the bank and the teller told me. (I hadn't looked at the thing in months so what did I know?) I will have to go to the DMV and take a written test (wouldn't it be hilarious if I failed it?). And, I need to find a company to insure me, which won't be easy. After being stuck in this house for over two years, I finally feel like I am on the way to getting my life back.

So, here are my resolutions:

Craft more.
Drive everywhere.
Go To Felt Club. (It's not until closer to the holidays but I am going this year no matter what.)

Sad update: Rusty the bailiff died in 2002.


  1. I'm glad to hear about your ruling! I agree too about the lonley blogger thing. I try to respond on blogs where no one makes comments. I know what it feels like! Have a wonderful 2009!

  2. Study! Study! Study! Pass the test! Drive! Yay!

  3. You are such a nice person to leave comments on lonely blogs. I think sometimes we forget that it is a person who is sharing part of their life there. A comment means a LOT more that people realize.

    You can do it! I hate to drive but my want to go over comes that every time and off I go. Just think about how far you have come already! You will be out and about in no time. Craft stores, antique stores and where ever you want to go are just there waiting for you.

  4. A step in the right direction. You won't know yourselve when you get back to driving

  5. I'm glad to hear that you'll be driving again; I know that bit of freedom mean a great deal.

    I leave comments on every blog I read. Otherwise, I'd feel as if I'm snooping.

  6. That is great Patty!!!!! Just keep positive and say... You will pass the test!!!! Barbara is probably right too.... study... I know a few rules of the road have changed since I got my licence....way too many years Think of it as a refresher. Let us know how the test goes.

  7. Is that the only reason you comment on my blog? lol.

    What is felt club?

  8. Congrats on being one step closer to cruising the town! I'm so happy for you!

    It broke my heart to hear of Rusty's passing :( I'll bet he would have laughed at your jokes during your appointment. He was always up for a chuckle.

  9. wow i have no idea what you are talking about but i'm sure it was quite good news to have the suspension set aside. good luck getting everything back in order!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)