Saturday, January 17, 2009

There's A Marshmallow On Your Tablecloth

Any idea what this is?

felt marshmallow

Before I tell you what it is, I have a few things to share. Warning: Make sure you have some time to spend on these blogs before you click any of the following links.

The coloring page I used for a pattern for the embroidery in my blog header can be found here on Non dairy Diary. Delphine has since moved her blog to a new location. Every year, she shares a small calendar to download (plus a bunch of other cool stuff on her blog) and the one for 2009 has cute bunnies on it.

Thanks to Google News, I ended up at One Red Robin where you will find an embroidery pattern for the Little Mushroom Girl and her Bunny. And, check out the Ruby Doll too.

I MUST LEARN TO SEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jhoanna of One Red Robin has another site that's also worth exploring: Softie Making. There's a link on Softie Making to Cherry Mix which is where I found a pattern for a marshmallow and made one last night.

Here is my marshmallow posing on an old tablecloth.

felt marshmallow

It's ok if you don't think he looks very marshmallow-ish. Perhaps he's an anthropomorphic albino Tootsie Roll. I didn't quite follow the directions -- you're supposed to sew the seams together and then turn it inside out but my my hand stitching is uneven and messy, so I just blanket stitched the whole thing since it's my favorite stitch.

I was thinking I might need to make him a little marshmallow girlfriend next.


  1. That is so cute! Thanks for providing the pattern for your header, I just wished I could do needlework as pretty as yours....

  2. ROFLOL what a sweetheart of a marshmallow! Too cute, Patty!

  3. I think your marshmellow looks really cute. I love his smile. I can't wait to see the female marshmellow.

  4. Thanks for the links and so glad you have found something to make from the softie making site. Your marshmallow is super cute - how adorable would they look in all different colours :-)

  5. He's cute. I wonder what you'll do to create his girlfriend.

  6. He's adorable! And yes, you have to make him a marshmallow girlfriend.

    I'd like to see the rest of that tablecloth...

  7. I love the marshmallow! I'll bet my girls would love a whole bag of them. Hmmmm...better get stitching!

  8. Love him! Now you just need to sew Mr. Graham and Mr. Chocolate. Then they could be a sm'ore.

    I love that softie site! Thanks for the link.

    Felt marshmallows? Next it'll be pet rocks!!

  10. He's perfectly perfect. Have you thought about making a giant cup of felt cocoa for him to relax in??

  11. Aww he is so cute!! He definitely needs a pink marshmallow sweetheart xo

  12. You know what that marshmallow needs, don't you? A Hershey bar girlfriend!

    I think felt food is so cool. I spend hours looking at it on Etsy.

    Thanks for the link to the pattern you used for your header. I might have to dig out the old embroidery hoop this weekend.

  13. I love little marshmallow guy..and he does need a little companion. How about one with a red bow in her "hair"?...:)

  14. omG he is so cute I think he does need a girlfriend!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)