Friday, February 27, 2009

Do You Recognize This Poodle Chart?

UPDATE: It looks like the chart is from a Leisure Arts cross stitch booklet by Mary Ellen called Best Loved Dogs: The 13 Most Popular Breeds. Thanks, Google!

I found this Poodle cross stitch chart in an email someone sent to me a few years ago. I don't know if it was a freebie or one she had purchased. I was hoping someone might recognize it and know the designer or website it came from. Thanks!


  1. I love that chart. There are some used copies of the booklet on Amazon so maybe I'll have to get one!

  2. Sorry, I don't recognize the pattern, but I Love it, being the poodle lover that I am! I love that it gives the floss colors for the different colored poodles. Twyla

  3. I used to work for Leisure Arts many years ago (nine?)... My fave benefit? We got free books when they were released! Man, wish I still had that benefit!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)