Thursday, March 5, 2009

Get Your Motor Running

I am so dang happy right now. Yesterday, I FINALLY got my drivers license renewed. (It had expired while it was suspended so it still needed to be renewed once the suspension was cleared.) I still need to get insurance coverage before I get back on the road but I am thisclose to being able to go down to the high school and doing donuts in the parking lot. Boy, I have missed that!

Then, yesterday afternoon, my foot doctor and I had a conversation about doing surgery on my deformity, (it's actually an enormous bunion), and she suggested operating on it now since I don't have anything major going on in my life at the moment, other than plans to drive all over Southern California in the next few weeks. The recovery could take anywhere from two to four months (six months for some people, she said) but the end result would be totally worth it. If I have this done, I could go back to wearing "normal shoes" (her words). Upon hearing that, I was immediately sold on the idea of having a triangular chunk of bone cut out of my foot. Hey, if it can get me back into my Chucks and my sandals and my red Mary Janes and my Keds, I say sign me up. It would have to be approved by the county medical program I'm in and that might take awhile but I told her to put in a request and start the process.

Did I mention how freaking happy I am? Pardon me while I go skip down the hall and maybe do a cartwheel or two.


  1. Congrats Patty! I'm doing a happy dance with you for you.

  2. Yay!! Thats fantastic!

    I couldn't drive for about 6 months a while back, it was so good to get back in the car... Freedom!! :-D
    I'm not brave enough for donuts though, tried it once and almost ended up in the duck pond!!

  3. Yay!!! Those other drivers better watch out! Hehe! So glad you may be able to wear (both of) your favorite shoes again!! Shoes are SO important to us ladies!!!

  4. Hey, good for you, that's awesome! Did you do a happy dance? :D

  5. That is great that you will be able to get those good ole Mary Janes on.....and maybe even those ole' tap your blog and I found you on Facebook so I indeed asked to be your friend how did you do that side abr on your

  6. Congratulations, hope it all works out well

  7. Hold off on that cartwheel--I wouldn't want you getting an injury BEFORE your surgery.

    I'm happy for you.

  8. Woo hoo! Driver's license! I know! You can drive across the country! I'll take you thrifting! Look out, Thelma and Louise.

  9. Car donuts and cartwheels - that's one heck of a day! Woo hoo!

  10. Yeah! Get the surgery. We could start a club of "women who get bits of bone taken off so they can wear normal shoes and be free of pain and like to do embroidery and stuff." You and I will be co-Presidents.

  11. We're going shoe shopping! WooHoo!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)