Monday, May 11, 2009

Mia's New Apron

The subject of Crissy dolls came up on Facebook this past week. I no longer have my childhood Barbies or Dawn dolls, but I still have Crissy, Mia and Tressy, and all of their clothes. Last night, I decided I would make an apron for my Mia and show her off today for National Wear Your Apron Day because I wasn't sure I would find someone to take a picture of me to mark the occasion. Plus, it gave me a good reason to stitch up that cute puppy dog pattern I posted yesterday. I had some major issues sewing on the bias tape by hand (I really need to learn how to work that sewing machine), and finally I just dug out the fabric glue and used that to attach it. Mia doesn't seem to mind my craptastic glue job, does she?

Back in 1973 or so, I made Mia her first apron. I can honestly say my hand sewing hasn't really improved much since then.

I am off to get dressed and choose an apron to wear today. Happy Apron Day and don't forget to tie one on!

Edited to add: The Apronista wants links your apron posts today, plus there's a giveaway.


  1. need to make a matching apron for yourself

  2. How adorable....I LOVE dolls and aprons! Love your blog, too!

    I'm wearing my apron today!

  3. I'm not sure that I've ever seen such adorable miniature aprons! I'll admit that I am NOT wearing an apron today... it would only look like I was trying to hide my growing belly. And trust me, it's no use. I'll wear one vicariously through you ;)

  4. Great job on the apron. It's soo cute!

  5. Cute cute cute. How big a doll is Mia? I think I need to make an apron for my granddaughter's doll. Dolls love craptastic clothing. Mine never stopped smiling even when I wrapped toilet paper around them for a wedding dress.
    Karen (Mary's mom)

  6. Mia's apron is great. (I can't see any glue.) Also, re the next post: I also like how she smiles when somebody takes her picture. (But it's always nice to see a picture of you.)

  7. Oh my goodness, Crissy and Velvet, and Mia! I have them all and still do! I'm afraid of my cellar, but I'm going to get hubby to go get them for me. I have all my barbies at my mom's, and I have my treasured Baby Tender Love still too1 Love the aprons, and I totally forgot about Apron day! Darn it! Thanks for the smile today! hugs, michelle

  8. That puppy dog apron is so so cute! I'm glad to see you've been busy! I'll have to go check out your new blog. :)

    PS Anonymous is my mom - not the other Mary's mom. :p

  9. Love your tiny aprons..and yes...I wore my apron on apron day. Come to think of it, I wear aprons a lot. I just love them.

  10. What a cute idea for the puppy stitchery!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)