Saturday, May 30, 2009

TUSAL May Report

Well, I totally forgot about the new moon last week so I'm late with my picture for May for the Totally Useless Stitch-a-Long aka TUSAL. My jar and I had a nice long photo shoot a little while ago but the majority of the pics were out of focus and had that glare on the glass so I ended up deleting them. Here's one (complete with glare) of the jar lounging on my bed.

And, here's a nice shot from up above. I wanted to show off the one strand of gold in there.

The TUSAL is hosted by YoYo at Dragon My Needle. If you'd like to join in, please go here for more information.

I'm off to circle June 22 on my calendar so I don't miss next month's report.


  1. I hadn't even heard about this. I've signed up :)

  2. Look how pretty your threads are! Mine are just a mishmash. Maybe I need a prettier jar.

    Why is this my favorite project this year?

  3. Don't feel bad, I still haven't posted mine. I sat down here to do just that and instead started looking at everybody elses progress, now my eyes are burning so bad I probably won't get it done yet again today, geeze. Quite nice of you to let the Totally Useless Container share the bed with you (LOL).


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)