Monday, June 29, 2009

Hoot Hoot

I'm fresh out of witty titles.

Not that I ever came up with witty titles.

You can find the Wee Folk Art applique pattern that I used for my owl here. Since I don't applique, I decided to stuff mine so I cut out two body shapes and two sets of wings. I used regular craft felt and attached the eyes, nose, feathers and feet (talons?) to the top body piece before I sewed the top to the bottom body piece together. The wings were added last.

I've been working on a biscornu and I was nearly finished with closing it up, when I remembered biscornus have eight sides. Oops.

To see what the biscornu should look like, go here. I still can't believe I did that! I've made a few biscornus in the past so I know how to put them together but I guess I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing until it was too late. I've already started another one and hopefully, I will remember to assemble it the correct way next time.

For the charts for this biscornu, click on the last two photos in the entry.


  1. Good excuse to make another one. I am sure this will make a lovely pin cushion

  2. Aww this little owl is so cute! Totally love him!

  3. I love the belly feathers on your owl, they look so lush

  4. Your owl is sooo cute. I think what you really wanted to make deep down was a pincushion for that patten and not the biscornu. You did a great job on the pincushion. :-)

  5. Okay... totally love what you did with our owl. Love that you stuffed it! I always tell people that our patterns are just a suggestion... it's super when people take the patterns and run with them. If you get a chance would you mind slipping the picture on the weefolkart flickr group. Would love for you to show it off there!

  6. That owl is so cute, and I checked out the actual biscornu and it is adorable.
    I'm having a book giveawy, if you can tear yourself away from FB!

  7. The sweetest owl!

    Awesome biscornu/pinpillow!

  8. Love the felt owl...he is too cute!

    Even though you meant for a biscornu, your little pin pillow came out just as nice!

  9. i love the lush feathers of this cute owl!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)