Friday, July 10, 2009

Finished For Friday -- Cross Stitch Pincushions

Lit and Laundry

For today's Finished for Friday, I'm sharing my latest cross stitch finishes. Remember that biscornu that I sewed together incorrectly and ended up with a pincushion instead? Technically, a biscornu is a pincushion but biscornus have eight sides (or more) and my pincushion only had four. Well, I also stitched up a biscornu using the same charts since my original plan was to make one. Here they are side by side:

Strawberry pincushion and biscornu

I used a varigated floss, DMC 57, for everything but the strawberry stems. I really like how it goes from light to dark. Both of these are stitched on 14 ct Fiddler's or Fiddler's Lite.

Strawberry biscornu and pincushion

You can find the charts for the biscornu by clicking the last two photos in this entry on Les loisirs d'une Sablaise.

Finished for Friday is hosted every week by Lit and Laundry and it's a fun way to show off what you've been working on for the past week.


  1. Oh, these are so cute! I like them both- but I think I like the "wrong" one best.

  2. Those are really cute! I agree - the variegated floss adds a lot. :)

    You never answered my email. :(

  3. Very cute! I love the strawberries on them.

  4. cute! Love the colours and buttons, beautifully finished!

  5. Those are so cute! I have yet to try to make one of these.

  6. They both look fantastic, like the double button

  7. Love both of them, even the wrong one! Thanks for sharin! hugs, michelle

  8. I love seeing them both next to each other. It almost looks like they are companion pieces. Congrats!

  9. Love your work, Patty. Nice finish.

  10. So cute, Patty -- I'm going to make some of these as stocking stuffers -- my sisters will love them. Thanks!

  11. Patty, these are so very cute! Great job.

  12. These are really adorable! I love the look with the graduated floss!

  13. They turned out darling! I love the double button too!

  14. They are lovely, Patty! I made my very first biscornu recently and I'm itching to make more of them!

  15. I love them! I'm using the chart to make my Nan a biscornu for her birthday - could you tell me how you sewed it up - the finish looks fab!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)