Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week

I know I tend to go on and on and on about adopting dogs, especially on Facebook, but I can't help it.  About ten years ago, I was a volunteer for a dog rescue and I had to go to local animal shelters to check on Lhasa Apsos, Shih Tzus, Pomeranians and other small breeds, that were being considered for the rescue.  (Now that I think about it, unless they were adopted or pulled by another rescue group, we pretty much took all of the ones I went to see.)  I was new to visiting shelters -- my dogs had all been pet store puppies from friends so I had never been to animal control -- and seeing so many dogs waiting for homes was so sad.  There were just too many and not enough people to adopt them or enough rescue groups to save them.   And, knowing many of them would end up being put down broke my heart.

As you can imagine, some dogs are more "adoptable" than others.  Older animals and those that are blind or deaf have a tougher time finding a home.  I was told many times by rescuers that the least adopted dogs were the big black ones.  This week, September 17 through September 25, has been designated Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet-Week by Petfinder to promote animals that are harder to place.  Petfinder is a wonderful website you can use to search for a dog, or cat, or hamster, guinea pig, turtle, bunny, etc. that's up for adoption in your area.)

You can be a part of ALAPW by posting animals that are in need of homes on your blog, Facebook or Twitter.  Read more about that here

And, if you live in Ohio and are looking to adopt a small dog, please check out a couple of seniors that need homes:

and Ollie 

If only I could take them both!

Edited to add Blog Hop code.

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