The other night, I finished the Halloween embroidery for the September Stitch-A-Long on Feeling Stitchy. I'd love to show you a picture of it but I can't download any photos right now because my computer has stopped working. I can turn it on but then it tells me my registry is corrupt and that it hates me. From what I've learned through Google, it can be fixed but that will involve making a slave of my hard drive (or something like that) so I don't lose any files, and I know that should be left to the professionals, so hopefully I can find one of them to fix it soon. I'm using my sister's computer (thank you, Susan!) and it's been loads of fun trying to remember passwords so I can log into Facebook and Blogger and AOL. Does anyone know why my Gmail user name is my AOL email address? Shouldn't it just be my name? I'm confused. Anyway, since I can't show you my SAL embroidery, (which I will soon be turning into a pillow), please enjoy a picture that shows you how many emails I had a week ago. Either I'm really popular or just really bad about answering my email.
And look at this cute ghost garland from Ginger & George. I need to make one of those!
If I had 935 emails to read...I'd just delete them all and start from scratch! Good luck on your computer.