Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just Call Me Einstein

It only took three months but it dawned on me the other night that I could use my sister's laptop to upload photos from my camera.  So that's what I just did.  Now I need to go take pictures of a few things and I can get back to blogging.  Yay!

Most of the pictures on my camera were of my orts jar.  This is the only one that did not suck.  So here's my orts jar as of February 2012.  (The stuffed dog came from a local antique store.)

And, here's Lucy.

And, here's Pumpkin.

Yay blogging!  Yay pictures!  Yay Susan's laptop! (I'm a little excited.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cute X-Stitch Freebies From Kincavel Krosses

If you haven't seen the latest cross stitch freebies from Kincavel Crosses, you're missing out because they are really cute.  There's a brown owl, a purple owl, a blue bird and a yellow & orange bird.

The brown owl made me want to do some cross stitching so I started on it one night last week and haven't touched it since.  Maybe posting about it will inspire me to work on it tonight.  I hope you're being more productive than I am.  :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Miss Blogging

I can't believe I did not blog during the months of March and April. 

That stupid laptop still will not download my photos.  It tells me (yes, I have conversations with my lap top all the time) (by the way, is it lap top or laptop?) that the camera is plugged in and it even knows it a HP something-or-other but I don't get the pop-up  to click "import" so my pictures do not get uploaded.  Which is a shame.  Because I made a felt bunny for Easter and I embroidered a bunny pulling a chick in a little cart that I wanted to post on my blog and I wanted to update my progress in the TUSAL and the WIPocalypse.

So no pictures for now but I am going to get back to blogging, if only to post links to cute and fun things that I want to make some day before the world ends in December.

Just found this in a November 2010 Google alert for embroidery.  (Tonight is Clean Out the Email Night.)  It's a felt toy barn.  And I love that it's been posted on a blog called The Journals of a Laura Ingalls Wannabe.  (I am such a geek for Laura.  I re-read These Happy Golden Years the other night just because it was on the shelf.  I also just read Old Town in the Green Groves by Cynthia Rylant, which is a childrens book based on the two years the Ingalls family spent in Burr Oak, Iowa.  Laura Ingalls Wilder did not write about a book about that time in her life (it would have been in between On the Banks of Plum Creek and By The Shores of Silver Lake) so Cynthia Rylant created a story from the few writings Laura did leave about that period.  My Laura mood has also been helped along by the Virgil Flowers series by John Sandford.  Granted, Virgil solves murders in present-day Minnesota but he lives in Mankato, a town Pa used to visit when he wasn't going to Sleepy Eye.  (I think that's where Albert got addicted to drugs too but that was on the TV show so it doesn't count because Albert nor his drug addiction happened to the real Ingalls.) 

Where was I?  I don't know if I will ever make that cute felt barn but I REALLY want to make one of the Laura wannabe's round needlebook with snaps.  Then I will send it to John Sandford and suggest he write a book about Virgil Flowers solving the homicide of a Mankato druggie named Albert.