Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just Call Me Einstein

It only took three months but it dawned on me the other night that I could use my sister's laptop to upload photos from my camera.  So that's what I just did.  Now I need to go take pictures of a few things and I can get back to blogging.  Yay!

Most of the pictures on my camera were of my orts jar.  This is the only one that did not suck.  So here's my orts jar as of February 2012.  (The stuffed dog came from a local antique store.)

And, here's Lucy.

And, here's Pumpkin.

Yay blogging!  Yay pictures!  Yay Susan's laptop! (I'm a little excited.)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)