Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Even More Chicken Scratch

After my chicken scratch post last week, I signed up for Google News to send me links to articles and blog entries that contain the keywords chicken scratch. (I also do this with Shih Tzu, cross stitch, and Johnny Depp embroidery pattern since some of you said you would enjoy such a thing.) Most of the links have had to do with posts about making chicken dishes from scratch or handwriting that no one can read, but there have been a few about chicken scratch embroidery, which is how I ended up at CorgiPants a little while ago. I've been there before because I can't resist clicking a link to a blog named CorgiPants, but for some dumb reason, I never added it to my favorites list so I could go back regularly. I probably would have missed this week's free chicken scratch patterns from Jenna at CorgiPants, if not for Google News.

Yes! I said free chicken scratch patterns! Boy howdy!

Pattern #1 is a bird and pattern #2 is a traditional border. This is the first free CS pattern I've seen for a border.

Jenna linked to an article on chicken scratch from West Virginia University Extension Service that has an eight pointed star pattern. Remember, the pdf from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service has a pattern for half a star, and I doubt I would have attempted that. I'd much rather see all eight points at once than try to figure out how to do the left half of the star in reverse to make the right half.

And, be sure to check out Jenna's new Etsy shop, Make-Do Mercantile, and her Pillowcase Pinnie Apron Pattern. (Note to self: become a Make-Do Marigold.)


  1. (It's Jenna of CorgiPants!) Wow, thanks for visiting and spreading the word! I hope a lot of people get some good use out of these patterns because as much as I love them, they took kind of a ridiculous amount of time to make! :) You'll be very happy to know that I have several more border patterns to post! I love borders!

  2. Love all the freebies you post Patty! ....On a side note. I'm going into the war zone today after taking yesterday off at school...Wish me luck! lol.

  3. Thanks for the link to Corgi Pants. She's great! I'm going to have to try some chicken scratch, as if I need another craft. It just seems natural since I love gingham so much. Have a great day! Twyla


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)