Friday, December 12, 2008

Finished For Friday

Miri of Milk and Honey Quilts is sharing two cute Chanukah embroidery patterns and instructions on how to make a gift bag with one of them.

And, don't forget today is Finished for Friday over at Lit and Laundry. You have to see the project Elizabeth posted -- tutorial included. Edited to add: not only did Elizabeth show off a finish today but so did Sally. And, guess who commanded them do that? Me! I have the power.

I didn't finish anything this week. The only thing I made was my garland which I already posted about, but in case you missed it, look up at my blog header and you will see it in it's pre-garland stage.

Have a great weekend, y'all!


  1. I'm thinking that garland is going to become your security blanket! You LUUUVVVVV it!

  2. Hi Patty,
    I received the vintage transfers you sent - thank you so much! I'd forgotten all about them, and it was a lovely surprise to get them in the mail..they are gorgeous!

  3. Really cute garland...makes me think of wintery yo-yos!

  4. Thanks for the link love! It's wonderful to have someone with such power on my side!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)