Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vintage Thingies Thursday -- Ornaments

I was just going to a quickie drive-by post and share two embroidery links, but then I realized it was Vintage Thingies Thursday so I'm going to post pictures of two older ornaments that I had hot glued on to a wreath because we had so many of them and not much room left on the tree.

But, first, let me share this link I found on the Sublime Stitching page on Facebook some website I never ever visit. Anyone who's worried about embroidery being a dying art needs to go see the photos in the Children's Embroidery pool on Flickr. I love that little kids are stitching. And, check out this post on Boing Boing (also originally linked on that site I never ever visit). I love that she embroidered the elephant while her parents were out for the evening. How sweet.

On to Vintage Thingies Thursday: this gingerbread man is made of styrofoam and has to be as old as I am (45 years). Notice how he looks like he had a lobotomy. There was a straight pin stuck into his head that held the string to hang him by and it was always coming out. I guess sometimes part of his brains came out as well. Either than or the dog got a hold of him.

The pixie head has got to be close to my age too. His noggin is attached to a stick so I don't know if his back story involved decapitation or they ran out of bodies for him at the factory. I never realized this ornament was kind of creepy until now. It's funny, I see the bear on the rocking horse and consider him to be a newer ornament but I bet he's over 20 years old by now. I'll have to check to see if there are any markings on any of these decorations when we eventually get around to putting up this year's tree. No, it's not up yet and no, it's not because I am too busy on Facebook to do it.

Thanks for visiting my blog and taking a look at my vintage thingies. For more VTT fun, check out Colorado Lady's blog and see who else is joining in this week.


  1. Maybe you could do a theme tree of decapitated ornaments? Get a bunch of doll heads and jazz them up as ornaments?
    Am I creative, or what?!!

  2. Sweet the rocking horse :)

  3. The 'pixie head' looks just like Howdy Doody!

  4. I love that pixie little Elf-even bodyless. Doesn't he look a little like Howdy Doody? I bet he's from the '50s at least.
    Thanks for sharing the kids' embroidery links (I used to teach kids patchwork and embroidery) great to see.

  5. Perhaps he'd be less creepy with his impaled head stuck in a cupcake ... Just brain storming here.

    lol. Great ornaments. :)

    Please quit stalking me on that other website you never go to. :| Just kidding. You're my favorite stalker.

  6. What a funny post! Love your vintage ornaments! The decapitated elf is tickling my childhood memories...but I can't quite put my finger on it! I'm sure I'll dream the answer tonight, wake up in the middle of it and say aahhh that's it...then in the morning promply forget the answer!

  7. Too funny, Patty, about the creepiness of the ornament. It is interesting how different things look after we post them--I've thought the same thing about a few of my pictures. Love the gingerbread man.

  8. I couldn't stop reading just at today's entry. You have a cool blog, and neato items today as well.

  9. I guess the labatomy is why your gingerbread man has a blank look on his face. He's cute though. I love all your vintage thingies. Now, get off face book and go get your tree up! Twyla

  10. I remember the little gingerbread man, I think my grandmother had some of these. very cute. I like the idea of a wreath. I saw one at a antique shop for lots of money. But it was too cute!

  11. LOve little gingerbread guy and little bear. They are so sweet.. Happy VTT and have a lovely day.

  12. You finally participated in VTT! Really cute ornaments. Now hurry back to Facebook!! :)

  13. Obviously the gingerbread man was
    running away from the oven when the dog nipped him!!!??? poor thing :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me some comments! You just made my day. :)