Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

I've been trying to find a cute free graphic to use here for Mother's Day but haven't been successful (and AOL shut down while I was at one site and that always pisses me off and makes me lose interest in searching for stuff), plus I seem to have a policy of not mentioning holidays in my blog, but I'll ignore it this time and wish all the moms out there a Happy Mother's Day (and that includes those of you who are dog moms too).

(Make your own card catalog card. Link via Domestic Chicky)

(P.S. I don't really have a policy regarding blogging about holidays. I just seem to forget to mention them for some unknown reason.)

1 comment:

caroljean said...

Thanks for the mother's day wishes. I hope to soon figure out how to blog while being a mommy. Daughter is out and about for a quick errand with daddy so I have a moment to acknowledge the sweet and friendly comment you left on my blog earlier this month. I'm so flattered that you like my apron. I hope to visit you again and perhaps leave another comment if I'm not feeling too distracted...